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MPS Bretton Woods Schedule Outline

(Click a date to navigate to that section of the schedule)

Sunday, October 29, 2023
6:00pm – Opening Reception and Dinner

Monday, October 30, 2023
9:00am – Plenary Sessions
12:30pm – Lunch
2:00pm – Breakout Sessions and Meet the Authors
6:00pm – Reception and Keynote Dinner


Tuesday, October 31, 2023
9:00am – Plenary Session(s)
11:45am – Lunch
1:30pm – Afternoon Excursion(s)

6:00pm – Keynote Dinner

Wednesday, November 1, 2023
9:00am – Plenary Sessions
12:30pm – Lunch
2:00pm – Breakout Sessions and Young Scholars
6:00pm – Closing Reception and Keynote Dinner

Thursday, November 2, 2023

6:30am – Breakfast and Bus Departures

Sunday, October 29th


Great Hall

Registration Opens



Conservatory & Great Hall

Opening Reception



Grand Ballroom

Opening Dinner and Remarks | “Historical Reflections”

Opening Remarks by:  
Phil Magness, American Institute for Economic Research

William Ruger, American Institute for Economic Research

Address by:

Vernon Smith, Chapman University - “Adam Smith’s Theory of Society”

Monday, October 30th



Main Dining Room

 (Available until 10:00am)

Regristration Table open at 8:30am


Plenary Session 1 | “Gold, Exchange Rates, and Monetary Systems”

Presidential Ballroom

Robert Hetzel, Mercatus Center

Judy Shelton, Independent Institute

Lawrence White, George Mason University

Chair: Thomas Hogan, American Institute for Economic Research


Break and Networking

Presidential Foyer



Plenary Session 2 | “The Future of Liberalism”

Presidential Ballroom

Sponsored by: AIER’s Fusion Journal

Phil Magness, American Institute for Economic Research

Deirdre McCloskey, Cato Institute

Stefan Kolev, Ludwig Erhard Forum for Economy and Society

Chair: David Henderson, Hoover Institution



Grand Ballroom

Service Award Presentation
Recipients: Former MPS Secretary Eamonn Butler and former MPS Treasurer J.R. Clark


Breakout Session 1.1 | “New Policy Research Presentations”


Young Scholars Program

"Inflation, Price Controls, and Compliance during the Korean War"

~ Vincent Carret, Creighton University

“Interstate Cannabis Legalization: It’s a Trap!”

~ Audrey Redford, Hampden-Sydney College

“The Effect of State-Level Regulation on Entrepreneurship and Employment”

~ James Bailey, Providence College

“Diamonds, Dynasties, or Decent Decisions? Examining Botswana’s Liberal Policies”

~ Alexander Hammond, Institute of Economic Affairs

Chair: Anthony Gill, University of Washington


Breakout Session 1.2 | Recent MPS Authors


 “New Deal Rebels”

~ Amity Shlaes, Calvin Coolidge Foundation

“The End of the Commons”

~ Konrad Hummler, Progress Foundation

“Reviving Classical Liberalism Against Populism”
~ Nils Karlson, The Ratio Institute

“Criticist Philosophy of Science”

~ Hardy Bouillon, University of Trier

Chair: Amy Willis, Liberty Fund


Breakout Session 1.3 | “International Trade, Finance, and Banking”

Reagan Room

“From Green Finance to CBDCs”

~ Barbara Kolm, Austrian Economics Center

“Risk Premiums: How the Basel Accords Confuse Price and Property”

~ Oliver Pahnecke, Middlesex University

“Climate Regulation, Carbon Border Adjustments, and other Challenges to Trade”

~ Henrique Schneider, Swiss Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises

Chair: Nicolas Cachanosky, University of Texas at El Paso


Breakout Session 1.4 | “Cryptocurrency”

Dartmouth Room

 "Liberalism and Cryptoeconomics”

~ Chris Berg, RMIT University

"Broad, Ambiguous, or Delegated: Constitutional Infirmities of the Bank Secrecy Act”

~ Peter Van Valkenburgh, Coin Center

“Bridging Decentralized Money with the U.S. Dollar System”

~ Caitlin Long, Custodia Bank

Chair: Erik Voorhees – ShapeShift


Break and Networking

Presidential Foyer



Breakout Session 2.1 | “ESG and Financial Systems”


 "Concatenating Risks: Exploring the Origins and Implications of ESG”

~ Lenore Ealy & Helmuth Chavez, Universidad Francisco Marroquín

“ESG as an Artifact of Zero-Interest Rate Policy”

~ Peter C. Earle, AIER

“Benchmarking Corporate Wokeness”

~Andrew Graham & Jeremy Tedesco, Alliance Defending Freedom

Chair: Bridgett Wagner, Heritage Foundation


Breakout Session 2.2 | AIER’s Sound Money Project Authors


 “Good as Gold: How to Unleash the Power of Sound Money”

~ Judy Shelton, Independent Institute

“Are We in the Largest Bubble in History? An Austrian Analysis”

~ Max Rangeley, Cobden Centre

“Resistance Money: A Philosophical Case for Bitcoin”

~ Craig Warmke, Northern Illinois University

"Better Money: Gold, Fiat, or Bitcoin?”

~ Lawrence White, George Mason University

Chair: Alexandre Padilla, Metropolitan State University Denver


Breakout Session 2.3 | “Bretton Woods Re-examined”


Young Scholars Program

“Neoliberal Ideology or Rent Seeking? What Explains World Bank Financing Decisions?”

~ Brian Meehan, Berry College

“The Case of Greece at Bretton Woods”

~ Virginia Fournari, University of Thessaly

“Bottom-up Sovereign Debt Preferences in the Post-Bretton Woods Era”

~ Alessandro Del Ponte, University of Alabama

“U.K. Fiscal Policy and the Current Account Balance Under Bretton Woods”

~ Joshua Banerjee, Duke University

Chair: Nils Karlson, The Ratio Institute


Breakout Session 2.4 | “The Fed and Financial Regulation”


 “Central Bank Digital Currencies: A Clear and Present Danger to Economic Freedom”
~ Avik Roy, The Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity

“Regulatory Indiscretion: Capital, Climate, Crypto”

~ Thomas Hogan, AIER

“The Hope versus Cost of Basel Capital Rules”

~ Thomas Hoenig, Mercatus Center at George Mason University

Chair: Naomi Brockwell, NBTV


Free Time



Evening Reception

Conservatory & Great Hall

Featuring Judy Shelton, Independent Institute


Keynote Dinner | “Is Globalization in Retreat?”

Grand Ballroom

Address by:

Douglas Irwin, Dartmouth College


Cigar Reception


Tuesday, October 31st



Main Dining Room

Available until 10:00am

Registration Table Open at 8:30


Plenary Session 3 | “Why is Liberty So Hard?”

Presidential Ballroom

David Rose, University of Missouri-St. Louis

Eduardo Fernández Luiña, Universidad Francisco Marroquín (Madrid)

Richard Epstein, New York University School of Law

Chair: Marion Smith, Common Sense Society


Break and Networking

Presidential Foyer



Group Photo

Front Lawn or Porch

Help us recreate the iconic Bretton Woods delegation photo with MPS members and guests.

(Note: Photo taken promptly at 11:15am)


Free Time




Grand Ballroom



Excursions | Buses Depart

Main Entrance & Lobby

Space is limited. Please board the bus for the excursion you RSVP'd to. If you have any questions, please visit the registration desk.

Taste of New Hampshire
This experience takes you to a local winery where you will be greeted with a flight of house made wines and then learn more about the winemaking process.

New Hampshire Brewery Tour
Relax and enjoy locally brewed beers and bites! At each brewery you will be welcomed with a flight of brewed beers from each brewery for some tastings!

Scenic Tour
Enjoy a comfortable scenic and historic ride around the beauty of New Hampshire, including the Kancamagus Highway.

Maple Syrup Tour
Meet with a fourth–generation sugarer who will explain the science behind the syrup and learn all about the process.


Keynote Dinner | “The Myth of Inequality”

Grand Ballroom

Introduction by: Peter Goettler, Cato Institute

Address by: Sen. Phil Gramm, Lone Star Global Acquisitions


“A Celebration of Whiskey and Freedom” with Free The People & The Stephenson Institute for Classical Liberalism

Cave Bar

Wednesday, November 1st



Main Dining Room

Available until 10:00am

Registration Table Open at 8:30am


Plenary Session 4 | “International Relations from the Cold War to Present”

Presidential Ballroom

John Mearsheimer, University of Chicago 

Eugene Gholz, University of Notre Dame 

Ambassador John Herbst, Atlantic Council

Chair: William Ruger, American Institute for Economic Research


Break and Networking

Presidential Foyer



Plenary Session 5 | “Threats to Free Trade”

Presidential Ballroom

Pierre Lemieux, University of Québec 

Daniel Hannan, House of Lords of the United Kingdom 

Tyler Goodspeed, Hoover Institution

Chair: Samuel Gregg, American Institute for Economic Research 



Grand Ballroom



Breakout Session 3.1 | “Classical Liberalism, Past and Present”


Young Scholars Program 

“Courage to Be Utopian: Classical Liberalism as an Emancipatory Program” 

~ Otto Lehto, New York University 

“Dante and Milton’s Respective Usuries in the Divine Comedy and Paradise Lost” 

~ Alexander Schmid, Louisiana State University 

“Global Citizenship, Individual Liberty, and the Liberal Order” 

~ Garion Frankel, Texas A&M University 

“Economic Freedom and EU Accession” 

~ Vincent Miozzi, Texas Tech University

Chair: Diana Thomas, Creighton University 


Breakout Session 3.2 | “MPS and Beyond


Words and Numbers Podcast LIVE!

~ James Harrigan, AIER

~ Donald Boudreaux, George Mason University


Breakout Session 3.3 | “China: Friend, Foe, or In Between?”


“The Failure of the Kissinger Gamble” 

~ Dominique Lazanski, Last Press Label 

“The China Dilemma: Rethinking U.S.-China Relations” 

~ Ryan Yonk, AIER

"Which Is the Greater Threat to America: China’s Old Industrial Policy or America’s New Industrial Policy?” 

~ Doug Bandow, Cato Institute 

Chair: Nikolai Wenzel, Universidad de Las Hespérides


Breakout Session 3.4 | “Monetary Policy in the United States”


“Neutral Nominal Spending and Federal Reserve Policy” 

~ William Luther, Florida Atlantic University 

"The Use of Inputs by the Federal Reserve System Revisited” 

~ Bryan Cutsinger, Angelo State University

“The Fate of FAIT” 

~ David Beckworth, Mercatus Center 

Chair: Robert Hetzel, Mercatus Center


Break and Networking

Presidential Foyer



Breakout Session 4.1 | “Bretton Woods Era History”


“AIER’s E.C. Harwood on the Bretton Woods System” 

~ Robert Wright, AIER 

"My Life in China during the Bretton Woods Era: The Harmful Legacy of Communism” 

~ Li Schoolland, TFT Events  

“Classical Liberalism vs. Embedded Liberalism” 

~ Kurt Schuler, Center for Financial Stability 

“The Power of Destructive Protection” 

~ Nicola Rossi, Istituto Bruno Leoni 

Chair: Alberto Mingardi, Istituto Bruno Leoni 


Breakout Session 4.2 | Recent MPS Authors


“Following Their Leaders: Political Preferences in Public Policy” 

~ Randall Holcombe, Florida State University 

“Deficit as Policy: Widening the Scope of Debt-Financed Spending” 

~ Peter Calcagno, College of Charleston & Edward Lopez, Western Carolina University 

“The Next American Economy” 

~ Samuel Gregg, AIER 

Chair: Roberta Herzberg, George Mason University 


Breakout Session 4.3 | “The Future of International Development”


“Foreign Aid’s Role in the ‘Mighty Arsenal of Peace’” 

~ Adam Martin, Texas Tech University 

"How liberal are liberal institutions? The ITO, GATT, and WTO in perspective"

~ Syed Kamall, St. Mary’s University 


“A Glimmer of Optimism in an Emerging Development Paradigm” 

~ Parth Shah, Centre for a Civil Society 

Chair: Frank Stephenson, Berry College 


Breakout Session 4.4 | “Money and Taxation”


Young Scholars Program

“Blockchain Blocksize, Custodial Security, and Price” 

~ Zachary Glatzer, Florida Atlantic University 

“From Bretton Woods to Bitcoin: Global Censorship and Uncensorable Money” 

~ Craig Warmke, Northern Illinois University 

“Intergenerational Mobility, Social Capital, and Economic Freedom”  

~ Justin Callais, University of Louisiana at Lafayette  

“The Miraculous Old-Time Fiscal Religion: How a Political Norm Discouraged Deficit Spending” 

~ Cameron Tilley, Duke University 

Chair: John Chisolm, John Chisolm Ventures 


Free Time



Evening Reception

Conservatory & Great Hall

A Toast to MPS by Lawson Bader
A Toast to David Malpass by Ed Feulner


Presidential Address, 2024 Meeting Announcement, and Keynote Dinner

Grand Ballroom

Presidential Address by: 

Gabriel Calzada Álvarez, Universidad de Las Hespérides 

2024 Meeting Announcement 

Parth Shah, Centre for Civil Society  

Keynote Dinner | “The Crisis Facing Development” 

Address by: 

David Malpass, The World Bank (Ret.) 


Dinner and 2023 MPS Program Ends


Thursday, November 2nd



Main Dining Room

Available until 10:00am

Registration Table Open at 8:30am


Bus Departure "BLUE"

to Boston Logan Airport 


Bus Departure "YELLOW"

to Capitaf for "No Free Lunch Tour"


Bus Departures "RED" and "GREEN"

to Boston Logan Airport 

AIER logo

250 Division Street | PO Box 1000
Great Barrington, MA 01230-1000

Telephone: 1-888-528-1216 Fax: 1-413-528-0103

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